Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can you reason? or you do you need a superpower for that?

Being an Atheist!

Being an Atheist has profound consequences, you either are considered completely nuts by those whom you debate with, or as someone who needs grave help by those --> who are staunch believers in a superpower for their day-to-day activities.

I have had numerous debates on the coffee table, in internet blogs, and in person with several of my friends and foes alike who enjoyed being in a group and telling me that my atheistic view is also some kind of belief, --> it’s just that the belief or faith in me says GOD does not exist.

Not believing in something is Faith!

I really never could comprehend to such a statement from those lot of my acquaintance ,presumably according to them not believing in superpower and pointing most unknown explanations to the statement “ science will find an answer” citing previous successful science discoveries is also a faith!! :) . The only irony is; all that we know about superpowers is from the scriptures written since Aztec’s time and the priests, gurus, imams who have been practicing these scriptures for their lively hood.

None of the followers of a superpower/GOD/Creator really know if they have answer incase, someone asks them for an example; let’s say their own kid, show me the GOD?, -->they surely run to those scriptures for an answer.

Faith and the real world

This results in they pointing their next generation towards some pre-written text or scriptures, which in turn are trying to position themselves as one and only explanation about this entire world resulting in another set of brainwashed children to be grown up as confused individuals juggling between real world problems on the one hand & pre-conceived notions of all the problems and solutions have a creator and everything usually is planned by superpower on the other.

I don’t have a problem with your faith but…

Questioning some one’s faith in something has always been complex. Blind faith does not need a reason, or logic, the only comfort that faith will comfort the believer at all times is enough not to reason it.

I personally don’t have a problem with someone having faith in something with a thinking that that faith will make them more confident, it’s just that the faith should not always overshadow reason, if I have faith in something like a super natural power to give me confidence, I should not grow my children in the same way, rather I should grow them to be self-sufficient and self-believing in way that they would understand the world and wonders of this world from their own eyes, not with a faith that I inject into their brain and they stop thinking from their individual brain capacity.

Think of our Children & The next generation!

Imagine how difficult it is to teach children about Evolution, or about the reasons to explore this universe around them, if you already tell them that you know that answer (which is not true) and they must follow that.

Faith and how it can kill!

Absolutely this is one of the main reason behind so many young men following the path of religious terrorism, largely due to the doctrine of faith imparted by their parents initially, and they start making pictures of their own religion, and then their GOD’s and then other religions and other GOD’s; and then how the other religion is much different compared to theirs; and then how some of the teachings from their own scriptures in their religion is different from others; and so many then and others coupled with a blind and illogical faith mixed with verses and hymens, and phrases from books which are literally considered as the mouthpiece of the creator as the final say gives rise to so much of hatred, group ism, fanatic behavior, and finally another illogical reason to defend the blind faith leading to murders, killings, bomb attacks with an obvious reason to prove a point that one form of blind faith is better than the other. (Imagine the 9/11 attackers in those flights and their prayers to their GOD and those people in WTC who prayed to their Gods to save them from those flights which hit the building).

Religious faith can make you blind enough!

So my point is in all cases reason in religious faith is non-existent, faith in anything with a positive mind set is fine until it helps the individual to overcome adverse situation in life, but moment it stops you from seeking answers to the unknown, the faith makes you more blind and your brain becomes a puppet of your own desire to be blind for things around you and you would start influencing your surroundings including people with your blind faith. That is wrong, being intelligent is basic difference humans have from other animals (though many of our mammals come close to us).

Aren’t we being biased towards our co-creatures in this world?

I often asked questions to my fellow friends on what do they think these animals, reptiles, birds, insects, follow as faith?, or what GOD do they believe in, there were obviously no answers for it, but I was told that humans have been created to be intelligent and these animals to be non-intelligent and in most cases to be our food. Now that topic itself is going to be food for my blog so let’s leave it at that:).

Imagine what a reasoning that was created by our ancestors to make sure we eat those tasty chicken or steamy beef! , may be this is the same reasons cannibals in deep forests would give about us, if we ever dare venture into their territory or we ever read their holy books.

Reason: is that too much to ask?

Never mind, all I’m trying to do is reason; now if you think this specific post has a reasonable reason for me to spend some time then don’t forget to leave a comment, even if you think the reasoning in this blog is beyond your reasoning still write a comment! :) don’t worry I won’t try to change you if you believe in a superpower all I’m asking from you to be is being reasonable and being rational, isn’t that the basic premise on which we as humans should be standing?

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