Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why I'm An Atheist!

Why I’m an Atheist


I have always annoyed believers however soft they were in the outlook :), may be its my capability to annoy people, jokes apart yes it’s been a great debate on the existence of GOD or not in the context of which side is right or wrong.

Childhood and Confusion!

In My Childhood days I always thought at least until I was around 12 year old that GOD did exist and I use to frequent all the temples on each auspicious day. Indian traditions each GOD or Goddess have a special day dedicated to them and I used to follow it regularly, this way I was good to my parents :).

Nevertheless, I still remember one night with a small telescope and peeping into a vast clear night sky, I was amazed how this all could be, what is out there, what are we made of and so many loads of questions.

When I went back to my parents and my grandparents, and some friends with that question, the answers were pretty vague or pretty straight forward, something like "obviously a superpower created it", most answers though may not be in those words but basically the same.

Seeds of Rationality

This obviously didn't satisfy the extremely questioning brain I had :) ( I was unpopular with my teachers because of this), so I started putting in equations, good and bad, truth and lie, Hindu and Muslim, poor vs. rich, beggar on the street vs. the guy looking out of his car window.

So it started to become clear to me that the world is basically not all that rosy, perfectly done and answering all my questions in my brain, may be this is the point where my mind started thinking there is a possibility that after all what I have been taught from my childhood about GOD, religion, creation, the universe (interms of super power creating it ) may be ultimately wrong, so yes it started with a vague thinking that there are so many wrong things in the world then obviously GOD has not made it even for everyone - Be it the hungry kid in Sudan, or all the cuisine food that the next rich neighborhood was throwing in his dustbin.

Somehow it all didn't add up, I got frustrated and I started reading the literature these religions have produced over years, yes I subscribed to Bible Society of India and they sent me a "New Testament “copy for free and I had a copy of Bhagavad-Gita in my home anyways due my parents religious inclination as Hindus,infact I also tried getting other religious scriptures but that is not very important here in this blog.

Holy Books and What I understood

This flummoxed me, here you go a lot books spawn around talking about nearly the same thing that is superpower but are written or have a timeline in different earth years and all they are trying to do is bring in some amount sensibility in human behavior and at the same time telling you to be afraid of the super power and the telling you that particular reference GOD in that particular book is the only GOD you should believe in.

(2012 and 100 B.C.) Now and then

This for me seemed like an intelligent piece of work to convince some set of people or humans beings in those medieval times where general brain capacity to think beyond lightening as a GOD's act was limited. I specifically say "General" because those days there were people who had their brains matured to understand little more complex things, like they could see that Moon could be revolving around earth and its force may be the key thing in tides not some extra natural power. It's just that they could not convince the general mind set those times with the limited tool set they had like -->(telescopes, or international space station we have right now in our orbit).

Stars, Galaxies, Nebula's and GOD

Now there was a question in front of me, do I believe that all that is around me is created by a superpower and simply get a good night sleep feeling comfortable that I know everything /or allow my questioning brain to say no there is a chance that I can still try to know what is around all of us. The earth, the people on it, the different religions that make it, the different languages we have, the different species that give us company on this blue planet and above all the vast universe around us, the small Galaxy we are in and the smaller solar systems we live under. The bigger nebula's, the quasars, the black holes, the empty dark matter which spreads to unimaginable distances, and the eternity question what holds all these? :). That was a lot of text in one paragraph! ;).

The different Path

So I choose the difficult path that is not believing that all this has a creator, that I need to find what are we made of, do we have neighbors, how the other planets look like. Then I understood the entire human life is not enough to understand this, so what! it is for me better than sitting in my couch and thinking Ah! I know my answers someone has crated it.

Science is my supper!

So still today I keep understanding science, and the way it explains things around me, Yes I do agree there are questions to which we don’t have complete answers, but Science has only just started so give it some time, it has to tread cautiously on a path called Faith which has a long history and has already started taking baby steps in understanding the vast, huge universe around us and to the question who are we, why are we here apart from enlightening me every day from a darker side of my brain to a side of understanding, with reasoning and with clear evidence wherever possible.

I would rather imagine time travel, and putting my efforts in building a machine to go back in time and see my childhood day rather than counting towards my end thinking oh! that day I would see the GOD.

That’s why I'm an Atheist, and I'm proud!'

By the way this is just a prologue to a book that I'm writing ;)


  1. Book? Interesting! A very crisp view towards atheism yet so profound. Cheers! :)

  2. Please see this video.. you will get some insight.

    1. sorry to end it :), the video is basically one sided, completely based on scriptures, books and artifacts that there people have read from their childhood to now, as I said the way am Questioning now they would easily get offended, because they are very strong in their belief!

  3. I hope I'll get the chance to read the book soon :) .
    Waiting for it..!!!

    With regards to your above blog and the discussions we were having, what I will say is every individual in this universe has his/her own way of thinking and believing about life, and that's what should be respected. Everything in this world is relative, where the level of relativity each person had/got created is based on how he/she has been brought up in life since his/her childhood.

  4. Thanks Faria, but you are clever, I never said that! :)

  5. @Pulkit, absolutely, and that was my thinking its all about me if you see the blog, but at the same time, never ever suppress your brain from questioning things if you think that you have been bought up in a fashion were you are not allowed to question what you have been taught! :)

  6. see this video now that videos can convey some message! :)

  7. If you are trying to figure out whether GOD exists ... you are trying to iterate through linked list ... as you know linked list is made of nodes where each node has a pointer to the next node.. some people who are lucky can iterate through the list .. but most them fall in to loop and it never terminates... hope I am clear :)

    1. ha ha okey programming guru! :), you made your point! ;) but then you are bringing the all powerful GOD in programming context!

  8. Hi Ravi,
    I entirely disagree with your thoughts. Being a scientist I tell you that human so far knows not even 0.0000(hundred zeros)1 of everything that is already there around us. As science and technology advances including hard core athest-scientist have started beliving in some kind of super power, that is becasue, as belived in the past that 'the life has just started by mere combination of elements' has broken down. Becasue of the fact for example, live cells of whom we are made up of are highly complicated, inspite of having so called advanced technology we could not answer a simplest question 'why the cell turns into cancerous?', look at the complexicity in protein folding and its function, the nanometer scale rotor shafts in flagella of bacteria. As we are using the technology to zoom further and further this biology to answer the questions like "who are we? why are we here", it gets complicated and makes even scientist to belive about super engineering/power to which we call god and wihtout fine tuning and without extream intelligence, the life might have not triggered. Then who fine tuned it? nature? We Indians believe in nature also as a god. Human might have landed on a moon but we will never be able to get to the bottom of such questions.
    -Mahaveer Kurkuri

    1. Dear Sir,

      I appreciate you taking time and reading my blog and sharing your opinion. But I would like to mention that just because something is complex does not hint at a intelligent design, rather it would be part of a long standing evolution process which makes it complex,like us humans coming from apes (do you agree with evolution?). So I do agree that there are questions which Science today cannot answer, but shutting our mind off saying we can never get to the bottom of such questions would close all possibilities of exploring the bottom (which is the basic premises of human mind).

      I have no problem you being a scientist and believing in a super power but think about it, why is that only super power has to create it, why cant the universe just be formed out of nowhere?, moment you ask questions like this you will try to validate your questions with real answers, so I'm sure this will lead to some rational answer one day.

      End of it I respect your opinion its just that Science stands on evidence (which you would have heard many times) but that is important before writing off wonders around as a simple matter of creation by GOD.

    2. You have mentioned that you believed in GOD till you were aged 12 and after that one night through a telescope you peeped through the vast clean sky. you went to people around you and asked the complex question about the creation , every body gave vague answers to you and you were confused.... that's the first stage for your personal development as an athiest.

      I don't encourage this sort of social debate happening in a forum like this.
      As I say and believe strongly that GOD is every where.So in your words i'm not an athiest.
      So i understand that you respect and believe in science....
      Let us understand what your science or your scientists say about How this universe was created?
      Scientists are convinced that our universe began with one enormous explosion of energy and light, which we now call the Big Bang. This was the singular start to everything that exists: the beginning of the universe, the start of space, and even the initial start of time itself.

      Astrophysicist Robert Jastrow, a self-described agnostic, stated, "The seed of everything that has happened in the Universe was planted in that first instant; every star, every planet and every living creature in the Universe came into being as a result of events that were set in motion in the moment of the cosmic explosion...The Universe flashed into being, and we cannot find out what caused that to happen."

      Steven Weinberg, a Nobel laureate in Physics, said at the moment of this explosion, "the universe was about a hundred thousands million degrees Centigrade...and the universe was filled with light."

      The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that? Scientists have no explanation for the sudden explosion of light and matter.

      So I assume Science has given an answer for what you saw that night and the question you had how all these amazing things around us is created.

    3. @Veer: on the other hand, why is that you did not explain the "uneven" things in the world, so many hungry kids, so many unnecessary killings, so much of insecurity in-terms of food, safety and wealth among people. What is that super power doing for all this?(some how this does not compensate the beautiful creations you see in the world). Imagine what wrong has a newborn kid done to be killed in a bomb attack by a militant? (why is the superpower silent on this?), Obviously from Good to Bad, Pain to Relief, and everything else is human made, there is no "hand" of GOD in that!

  9. @Lokesh: The premises is simple, all the statements that you are making about universe has not always existed, it had a start, even that is not very clear. :) , neverthless,

    I have a question: Think about our upbringing as kids, if we were all grown up without a religion or infused knowledge that there is a superpower, what would have been our views on the wonders of the world around us?, would the human civilization done more efforts to find the cause of this universe?, imagine no pre emptive information already in our brains, we would have possibly tried looking at this puzzle in a whole new perspective, interms of finding an answer!,not ruling it with an conclusion that superpower created it!

  10. I feel the word 'God' is the reason behind most failures. People dont make diligent attempts to fight for what they believe and later end up blaming 'God' or using him as an alibi for their failure.
    How often we come across losers saying, "Jaisi Bhagwan ki Marzi, Hum toh uske haath ki katputli hain". This belief in some non-existent phenomenon keeps us from discovering our real self and numerous amusing things around us.
    I know a guy, who is almost 85% blind, but is an extremely good programmer. He was not born blind. So when this tragedy happened with him, he did not blame "God" for having been mean or unjust to him, he rather chose to accept it as an open challenge. Today, he works for IBM and is pursuing his passion.
    In a nutshell, its about believing in your own self and not blindly following some shitty concepts floating around for the sake of ease.

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